
NBA 2K18 Tournament @ Side Scrollers
May 19 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

-$2 reduction if we can use your own copy.
-If you enter early, you may practice in-store for free.

PRIZES (subject to change)
4-7 entrants: 
1st place: $20 OR 3 Free Hours to the lounge

8-15 entrants:
1st place: $30 OR $40 Gift Card
2nd place: 1 Hour Pass to the lounge

16+ entrants:
1st place: $40 OR $50 Gift Card
2nd place: $10 Gift Card
3rd place: 1/2 Hour Pass

+ Console: Xbox One
+ 1 vs 1 style. Single elimination. Each match is Best of 1 Game.
+ Players can be any of the current NBA teams and can even face each other as the same team (i.e. Warriors vs Warriors).
+ Mercy Rule: If a player is losing by 40 points or more by the beginning of the 4th quarter, the match will be called in the leading team’s favor.
+ All game settings and sliders will be set to default except for the quarter length, difficulty, and injuries. (see below)
+ Play Now Mode
+ Quarter Length: 6 minutes. Finals will be 8 minute quarters.
+ Difficulty: Hall of Fame
+ Fatigue: ON
+ Injuries: OFF
+ Excessive pausing will lead to disqualification. Pausing during an opponent’s free throws is not allowed (only once the rebound is clearly secured).
+ No custom players or customized rosters.
+ Players cannot coach other players during their matches.

4-7 entrants: 
1st place: $20 OR 3 Free Hours to the lounge

8-15 entrants: 
1st place: $30 OR $40 Gift Card
2nd place: 1 Hour Pass to the lounge 

16+ entrants:
1st place: $40 OR $50 Gift Card
2nd place: $10 Gift Card
3rd place: 1/2 Hour Pass

+ Type: Single Elimination, 1 vs 1
+ Mode: Play Now
+ Exhibition style for all matches except finals. Super Bowl Presentation for Finals
+ Quarter Length: 5mins, 6mins for Finals
+ Min Play Clock: 25 seconds
+ Accelerated Clock: On
+ Skill Level: All-Pro
+ Weather: Clear
+ Injuries: Off
+ Fatigue: On, 50.
+ Game Speed: Normal
+ Sliders: Default

+Ties: In the event of a tie in the first play through, a second play through of the match must be played up until the first half has been completed. If the game is still tied when the first half has been completed, then the second half of the game must be completed.

+Pausing is not allowed unless due to emergency or to call timeout. Any other instance is judge’s decision.

+Any form of cheating, glitching, gentlemen agreements, abusing in-game mechanics, or unsportsmanlike behavior will not be permitted.

Rocket League Doubles Tournament! @ Microsoft Store - Flagship Fifth Avenue
May 30 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

The flagship Microsoft Store is proud to host a tournament for Rocket League and compete in a local tournament open to all players! Get a chance to experience Rocket League in our 4K Tv’s and Compete for $20 Microsoft Store Gift Cards for Xbox! The store will only be providing Xbox One controllers.

  • Double Elimination
  • Default Settings

Entry is free, no purchase necessary to participate.

Platform: Xbox

Format: 2v2

Rocket League Duos Tournament @ Waypoint Gaming
Jul 7 @ 7:00 pm

Game: Rocket League

Entry fee: $20 ($10 venue / $10 pot)

Pot starts at $50

Start time: 7pm

NBA 2K18 Black Top Duos @ Waypoint Gaming
Jul 25 @ 6:00 pm

Game: NBA 2K18

Entry fee: $20 ($10 venue / $10 pot)

Pot starts at $50

Start time: 6pm

Monday Night Fights 12: A Smash Ultimate and PM Weekly @ Level 1 Games
Mar 18 @ 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm

Super Smash Bros Ultimate joins Project M for Monday nights at Level 1 Games! Be some of the first to jump into the competitive scene for Ultimate, or join the grassroots scene of Project M! Either way, Level 1 Games is the place to be on Monday nights!

$5 venue fee*
$5 Ultimate entry fee
$5 PM entry fee

6:00 – Doors open
8:00 – Smash Ultimate bracket begins
8:00 – Project M bracket begins

*Venue fee will be waived for people who bring a full Ultimate setup. What is a full setup?
– Nintendo Switch
– Nintendo Switch Dock
– Legitimate copy of Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Illegitimate copies will not be used for tournament play.
– HDMI cable
– Nintendo GameCube Controller Adapter
– Monitor or TV with 10ms or less of delay (message me in advance if you don’t have a monitor, I might have extra for the event)

3 stocks, timer set to 7 minutes
Items OFF
Stage Hazards OFF

Ultimate’s stage list is tentative, as the meta is still fresh and we’re still learning what stages function well.

Starting stages:
Final Destination
Kalos Pokemon League
Pokémon Stadium

Counterpick stages:
Town & City
Lylat Cruise
Yoshi’s Story

Winner bans 2 stages
DSR: Players may not choose stages they have previously won on.

Stream will be on